How to get involved in Wildlife Habitat Stewardship
Any municipality in Newfoundland and Labrador is welcome to contact us to inquire about becoming involved in wildlife and habitat stewardship. If your community is home to significant wildlife populations, special areas of wetland/coastal habitat and/or species at risk, you can play a lead role in the conservation of the Province's wildlife habitat.
SAM works in close partnership with the Province's Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture, Wildlife Division to identify significant wildlife habitat found within municipal planning boundaries and to encourage municipalities to seek a balance between development and conservation of this land. The department and municipality agree to sign a stewardship agreement, where the department becomes a partner in supporting the municipality in the ongoing management of these conservation lands. SAMs role is to help bring together these two levels of government and help facilitate the relationship after they sign a Municipal Habitat Stewardship Agreement.
Here's how to get started:​
Read our SAM Brochure and website to find out more about our organization
Contact us for more information or to become a member!